February 23, 2015

Is This Really the Winter of Our Discontent?

Who ever coined the phrase. “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow” needs to have his or her head examined.

Now don’t get me wrong. I do love winter. I have wonderful memories of growing up in New York where winter was a special time. Sledding and walking in the city looking at the fabulous displays in the windows and seeing the tree and watching the ice-skaters at Rockefeller Center.

I loved the first snowfall in Boston when I was a college student. I would take the T to Park Street and wander downtown looking at the lights and displays in Filene’s and Jordan’s. Alas, these shops are long gone but my memory of those winter walks are clear as a bell.

I love Stowe!
Not so long ago our family spent many years skiing in Vermont. Ok. So I don’t ski and neither does my sister. But we loved traipsing through the snow and going to our favorite shops and galleries in Stowe. While the husbands and kids were on the slopes, Shari and I shopped and went for lunches and had a blast. Winter in Vermont is stunning. Clean, beautiful, shimmering, sparkling snow. Somehow, it all seems so right.

Outside my window, it all seems so wrong. The mountains of dirty snow are piling up. People’s tempers are on a short fuse. Don’t get me started about traffic. I can barely get out of my own driveway without scraping against a snow bank. Trying to see around the snow banks is another issue. Take for example, a few days ago at 4:30 AM. I know what you’re thinking, but remember I work airport hours. So here I am trying to squeeze out of my driveway, which is like trying to put on a pair of spanx. Some jerk comes up right behind me and is honking at me to move. At 4:30 in the AM. Seriously??

My driveway's under there, somewhere
Our streets just weren’t meant for the never-ending snowdrifts. We all ask when will it stop? My little cousin Julie posts on Facebook how many days ‘till spring? OK, she’s not so little. She’s a mommy but to me she’ll always be my little cousin. And she’s in hate with winter.

Even my husband says it’s time to think about moving. But to where? I hate heat and humidity so those southern states are out. We all know how I feel about Florida.

Vermont’s looking better and better. Good coffee too!

For those of you up north- stay warm, drive safe and use a good moisturizer. For my southern friends-well hang in there. We know you’re so jealous of our winter wonderland.

Ciao for now.

PS: The Chemical Diaries is closed. You can read past posts but I will no longer be posting new ones. YAY

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