April 9, 2013

Up In The Cloud

It’s been a few months since I last wrote. I’ve been learning all sorts of new and interesting things. Useful? Maybe. Fun? Definitely.

Now that I am the owner of an iphone, I’ve discovered all sorts of new and exotic things to do with it aside from plain old texting and phone calls. The vast amount of apps are mind boggling. I must say I’m somewhat reluctant to download a lot of junk onto my phone so I keep it to the basics like:
Facebook, Amazon (of course), Whatsapp, Viber, news channels and the like, photo apps, Pinterest, youtube, a few games (3), netflix and various music sites. 30 apps in total. It seems like so much but in actuality it’s nothing. My boss Juan has over 200. 200! Incredible. It’s like walking around with the universe in your hand. Learning how to use all of this is like being back in school.

Last week I was talking to my friend Cathy’s daughter. Bridget asked me if I used Pinterest and I said that I knew I had created an account online probably a year ago. I’ve never used it. Don’t know how. She was aghast. She told me it was the best thing EVER and that I should just do it. Me, being the skeptical soul that I am, thought, probably not going to do this. A week later and I’ve got 13 boards and tons of pics that I truly like. Some are mine, some are a repin. I’ve found some great recipes, travel and home ideas. It’s totally addictive. I may need an intervention.

With all this new technology it’s easy to forget the simpler things like just reading a book. Ok..reading is not something I would ever forget to do, but so many people are reading their books right off their phones.

With all this new technology it’s easy to communicate with people thousands of miles across the ocean. Skype, Viber and whatsapp are the best things since Mr. Bell. It used to be a long distance charge that could cost a second mortgage. Now, I can call for free, text for free and even talk face to face from my little phone the size of a pack of playing cards. It’s amazing.

The photo apps are simply cool. It does scare me that all my photos are floating around somewhere in cyberspace and if the cloud crashes I could lose it all. This is where physical back up becomes necessary. Flashdrives are the greatest. Printing every photo is space consuming. I do have many photo albums taking up shelf space in my house. It’s not a bad thing. Looking at these brings back good times. I just don’t want to add any more bulk to my already bulky home.

And now dear readers, it’s time for a cup of tea and another chapter in the book I’m reading.

Have a great week!