July 8, 2013

The Fly In The Ointment

We recently received a book at my store called Mean Girls at Work. My friend Cathy and I browsed through it and realized that one of our co-workers is just that: a really mean girl. Or in her case, a really mean older woman.

This is a person that is so difficult to work with, that the rest of the staff is contemplating giving our notices if she doesn’t retire soon. We don’t complain to our bosses about her. It falls on deaf ears. They just brush it off as her being “just an old woman.” And so we grit our teeth and try to ignore her ranting.

This person truly believes we are dithering idiots who have no idea how to run a bookstore or for that matter have never read anything remotely literary. In fact, we ALL read. A lot. Several books a week. We run the gamut from classics to sci-fi. History, biography, quirky fiction (that’s me), mystery and new fiction. We read more in a week than that woman does in a year. She once admitted to never finishing a book. She reads the first chapters and the last, so she can recommend them to customers. Yeah. That totally doesn’t make it in my realm.

This person has told others (who tell us) that she is the only one who ever does any work. At all. Kind of amazing because if that were the case there would be no books on the shelves, but instead, packed in boxes in the already crowded stockroom.

This person has told me she knows so much more about music than I do because she lived in Cambridge (Boston) in the 1960’s. This person once came to a gig of my jazz band and then proceeded to make a list of all the songs SHE thinks we should have on our set list because she knows more about jazz than I do. OK. So I do my best to ignore her mumbling and nasty comments when what I really want is for a shelf of hardcovers to fall on her head.

This is a person who makes monetary mistakes and then blames the rest of the staff because she won’t ever admit to being wrong. Has left the store unlocked but blames others for it. Has been rude to customers. In fact, some of our customers have hightailed it out the door because this woman is so difficult.

And I think the worst remark that she makes quite often is that she looks so much younger and is so beautiful compared to Cathy and myself (she’s 15 years older than us). In fact she tells me the highlights in my hair are ugly and that Cathy’s tan is hideous. This from a woman who reminds us that people think she looks like Salma Hayek. Well, folks, if she’s Salma than I’m Audrey Hepburn. Or Giselle.

And so we take deep breaths and move on. At which point she complains that we’re ignoring her. It’s difficult to be civil to someone who makes you feel so miserable. We count the days until she goes on vacation or takes a few days off.

We remind ourselves that she’s delusional and more than a bit senile. Others have said tsk, tsk she’s just an old woman to whom we reply, YOU come work with her for one week straight and then let us know what you think.

I love our little store. It’s our little piece of heaven in an airport terminal. We’ve created it from nothing two years ago and now it’s a popular attraction. If it weren’t for one person it would be pure perfection.

And now, I’m going to take deep breaths and sigh in relief, knowing that in fact, she IS going away for a few days. Pure bliss!

Have a great week. I know I will!

July 4, 2013

Living Out Loud

Recently, as in two days ago, I connected with a long lost friend. Like thirty-nine years lost. It’s not like I hadn’t thought about her. I did. For a long time. The problem back then was black and white. If you didn’t have a current address or phone number, you were out of luck. Unless you hired a private detective.

Well, thanks to modern technology, I am my own Holmes. Over the years I searched Google, Facebook, linkedin and various other sources and niente. Until two days ago.

Great. Now what? What if she didn’t want to connect? What if she was hiding from the world? What if I was just being a pain in the ass stalker?

Turns out most of that was true. She didn’t want to connect for a long time. She didn’t want to live out loud. But now she does. And here we are.

Is it possible to start a new friendship from an old friendship? I absolutely think so.
Is it wrong to live out loud and share your life like an open book? No. I do it all the time.
I’m not shy about sharing my life. Look at Facebook. Look at this blog. I have things to say and I’m certainly not shy about sharing my thoughts. And yes, I put my foot in my mouth quite frequently, but whatever.

My new/old friend and I have so much more in common than we ever thought. I won’t mention her name because she is just starting to dip her toes into the social network of the world. We made a “playdate” for later this summer.

It’s never too late to make new friends or connect with old ones. We only have one life. 
Happy July 4th!