June 10, 2013

From the Inside Out

The other day my friend Cathy and I were talking about what constitutes beauty. Is it some standard that is set by marketing people? By cosmetic companies? Who decides what makes someone “look” beautiful?

Ok. Let’s face it. I don’t walk out of my house without some form of makeup on my face. Even if it’s just a quick run to the supermarket. I mean after all, someone I know might see me. Even if it means just throwing on some lipgloss, I can’t have a naked face. No one sees me sans makeup except for my immediate family and my band mates.

In today’s world, we are bombarded with expectations. Wear this product and your skin will look 10 years younger. Use this shampoo and you will have hair shinier than a newly minted penny. And so, we do. And does it work? Sometimes.

What if we didn’t? I mean what if we didn’t use beauty products and just went au natural 100% of the time? Would we, as women be chastised for not looking up to par?

For me personally, I know that I look and feel better when I have “my face on” as the saying goes. It’s kind of like that first cup of coffee. A jumpstart to what ever I have to do during the course of the day. As a fifty something year old woman I need to look my best in a world of twenty something and thirty something work colleagues and band mates. I don’t want to be the fading old woman. And thus, I completely support my local cosmetics counters.

I also know that looking and feeling good doesn’t solely come from a tube or bottle. Healthy eating, sleep and exercise are all components of the body beautiful. I know I’ll never be a Giselle but it really doesn’t matter. I’m me. I’m beautiful in my own right. Now where the hell did I put that tube of lipgloss?!

Have a beautiful week!