November 11, 2013

When In Rome

Actually, I’ve never been in Rome. I know what you’re all thinking. What?! Yes, I’ve been back and forth to Italy many times over the years. Sometimes more than once a year.

I recently returned from my annual October trip to Trieste. Rehearsals, gigs and hanging out with friends. All and all in was a stellar time with the exception of the weather. Who knew it would be so uncomfortably warm in late October? Muggy, rainy, steamy. My hair had a big time meltdown.

But I must say. I am truly blessed to be able to experience Italy not as a tourist. Oh sure, I had a chance to do a bit of traveling to new exotic places…but it was off the beaten path. Places that Americans just don’t see.
Hallowed halls

University of Pavia
I was fortunate to attend the graduation of a friend at The University of Pavia. It was an incredible experience. No pomp and circumstance. Just a solo explanation of his thesis to a panel of professors. All about physics. I didn’t understand a word. It’s ok. If it had been in English I still wouldn’t have understood it!

 I also had a little day trip to the Italian alps.

Love those alps!
 Every twist and turn of the road brought another postcard view. Even in the rain, the Dolomites are stunning.
 Of course the best part of being in Italy are my friends and acquaintances. Sharing meals be it in a little trattoria or in a friend’s kitchen is always an event.
Pasta by Matteo
 Heated and passionate discussions about food to politics and everything in between is de rigueur. Italians LOVE to talk and LOVE to argue. What an American can say in 4 seconds an Italian will take 2 hours and a 4 course meal. Mostly I sit and listen and try to absorb. Comprehension is getting better.

Me, Sammy and Save having a coffee in Save's kitchen
 The dialects are still a bit mystifying. Italians take forever to get to the point and therefore everything takes longer. Mostly I’m OK with this. Sometimes it pisses me off, especially when rehearsals are involved.

So when in Rome…er..Italy..I go with the flow. Yes, there will be transit strikes (there was) and yes there will always be a canceled or rescheduled event (daily). Try not to take it personally. Shrug and smile and pour the wine. Viva Italia!!