January 16, 2012

Put It In The Circular File

There’s a reality show on TV called Hoarders. I’ve never seen it but my friend Cathy tells me about it all the time. It scares me to think how easy it is to save junk that you really don’t need but can’t bear to throw out. Memories, nostalgia and just plain laziness are a big factor here.

Probably the best way to avoid hoarding stuff is to move frequently. Unfortunately this is not always feasible. Or affordable. And so…to the trash it goes.

I’ve been reevaluating my closet situation. And cabinets. And drawers. It’s simply amazing how much crap I own that I really don’t need. The thing is: if I’m not using it or planning to use it, why should I save it? Because I might use it someday? But so far I haven’t. I can save it for a special occasion. Or give it to my grandchildren. What grandchildren? I have a 21 year old son in college and unless he’s been hiding something from me, grandchildren are not in my events calendar.

So what to do with all the stuff? I suppose I could give some things away. Maybe re-gift. That’s kind of tacky though. Sell it on ebay? Too much of a pain in the butt. Yard sale? No. I don’t have the patience to haul it all back in when it doesn’t get sold. I don’t want to be the old lady with no room to walk in her house due to all the extraneous junk blocking the hallways.

OK…it’s not really that bad, but I do need to unload stuff. I’m not half as bad as my husband who hates to throw ANYTHING out. Sneaking a bag of trash out of the house is a fun way to spend a Saturday evening. Ok, quick…he’s not looking…throw out four pairs of shoes. Hurry.

Now I know what retirement is for. To evaluate all the things you’ve amassed over a lifetime. And then try to figure out what to do with it all. Someday I’ll retire and hopefully by then I will have de-cluttered the closets, cabinets and drawers.

Until that time, I will make full use of the circular file. Don’t tell my husband.

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